Software architecture

Design Patterns - Static Factory Method Pattern in TypeScript

Before you look at the Static Factory Method pattern example in TypeScript, you can see my post about what is the ...

Design Patterns - Static Factory Method Pattern in C#

Before you look at the Static Factory Method pattern example in C#, you can see my post about what is the ...

Design Patterns - Static Factory Method Pattern

The static factory method is a creational design pattern to create instances of a class, it works like the factory method, but ...

Domain-Driven Design - Aggregate Roots in C#

Before you look at the Aggregate Roots example in C#, you can see at my post on what Aggreg...

Domain-Driven Design - Aggregate Root

In Domain-Driven Design an Aggregate Root is the main Entity in an Aggregate, for example, in the ordering agg...

Design Patterns - Repository Pattern in C# using Entity Framework Core

Before you look at the Repository pattern example in C# using Entity Framework Core, you can see my post about what is the ...

Design Patterns - Repository Pattern

The repository pattern is a design pattern to encapsulate the methods to access to a data source and access to them from any la...

Domain-Driven Design - Aggregates

In Domain-Driven Design an Aggregate is a set of related entities and value objects, for example, in the ordering...

Domain-Driven Design - Entities in C#

Before you look at the Entities example in C#, you can see at my post on what Entities are in Domai...

Domain-Driven Design - Entities

In Domain-Driven Design an Entity is an object that represents an object with identity, for example, a person,...