Software architecture

Before you look at the Static Factory Method pattern example in TypeScript, you can see my post about what is the ...

Before you look at the Static Factory Method pattern example in C#, you can see my post about what is the ...

The static factory method is a creational design pattern to create instances of a class, it works like the factory method, but ...

Before you look at the Aggregate Roots example in C#, you can see at my post on what Aggreg...

In Domain-Driven Design an Aggregate Root is the main Entity in an Aggregate, for example, in the ordering agg...

Before you look at the Repository pattern example in C# using Entity Framework Core, you can see my post about what is the ...

The repository pattern is a design pattern to encapsulate the methods to access to a data source and access to them from any la...

In Domain-Driven Design an Aggregate is a set of related entities and value objects, for example, in the ordering...

Before you look at the Entities example in C#, you can see at my post on what Entities are in Domai...

In Domain-Driven Design an Entity is an object that represents an object with identity, for example, a person,...
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