Create an Azure Key Vault with RBAC role assignments using Terraform

Azure Key Vault is a Microsoft Azure resource that securely stores and manages sensitive data, including secrets, encryption keys, and certificates, it features soft deletion of secrets, renovation of certificates, and security features including Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and private network access.

In this post, I will show you how to use Terraform to create an Azure Key Vault and populate it adding some secrets. Additionally, I will show you how to use Terraform to assign a user a role so that they can create secrets in Azure Key Vault.

Create an Azure Key Vault using Terraform

What do you need

  1. Your subscription_id, this is a GUID and you can get it using one of the following ways:

    • Using Azure CLI:

      az account subscription list
    • Using the Azure Portal.

  2. Your tenant_id, this is a GUID and you can get it using one of the following ways:

    • Using Azure CLI:

      az account tenant list
    • Using the Azure Portal in the column Directory ID.

      Azure Portal directories

Terraform files

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "4.11.0"

provider "azurerm" {
  # Configuration options
  features {
    key_vault {
      purge_soft_delete_on_destroy    = true
      recover_soft_deleted_key_vaults = true

  subscription_id = "a838fdd3-56b8-4508-93db-9611367b3aee" # Put your 'subscription_id' here

  tenant_id = "c4421ca3-5bd8-472b-99c4-6b231540eac1" # Put your 'tenant_id' here

data "azurerm_client_config" "current" {}

In this file you declare the Terraform provider.

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "secrets_rg" {
  name     = "secrets"
  location = "westus3"

resource "azurerm_key_vault" "secrets_keyvault" {
  tenant_id           = data.azurerm_client_config.current.tenant_id
  resource_group_name =

  name     = "secrets"
  location = azurerm_resource_group.secrets_rg.location

  enable_rbac_authorization       = true
  enabled_for_deployment          = false
  enabled_for_disk_encryption     = false
  enabled_for_template_deployment = true
  public_network_access_enabled   = false
  purge_protection_enabled        = true
  soft_delete_retention_days      = 90

  sku_name = "standard"

You can customize the Azure Key Vault in this file.

resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "db_development" {
  name         = "DbConnectionStringDevelopment"
  value        = "mysql://"
  key_vault_id =

This file will store non-sensitive secrets, such as secrets for development or integration environments.

Role assignment using Terraform

Now we are assigning a user a role to access and manage secrets in the Azure Key Vault previously created.

Azure RBAC has some built-in roles that can be assigned to a user or group, allowing granular control over access to Azure Key Vault.

What do you need

  1. The principal_id of the user or group (also known as Object ID), this is a GUID and you can get it using one of the following ways:

    • Using Azure CLI:

      az ad user list --query "[].{Id:id, Name: displayName, Email: mail}" --output table
    • Using the Azure Portal.

  2. The role_definition_id of the role that you want to assign, this is a GUID and you can get it using one of the following ways:

    • Using Azure CLI:

      az role definition list --query "[?contains(roleName, 'Key Vault')].{Name:name, Description: description}" --output table
    • Using the Microsoft Docs in the column ID.

Terraform files

resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "keyvault_secrets_officer_john" {
  scope =

  principal_id       = "8c4ab003-5dcd-49e2-86df-8f96b1f46a0d" # Put your 'principal_id' here
  role_definition_id = "b86a8fe4-44ce-4948-aee5-eccb2c155cd7" # Put your 'role_definition_id' here
