Design Patterns - Unit of Work Pattern in C# using MongoDB (with transactions)

Before you look at the Unit of Work pattern example in C# using MongoDB, you can see my post about what is the Unit of Work pattern.
Unit of Work interface in C#
public interface IUnitOfWork
IDisposable Session { get; }
void AddOperation(Action operation);
void CleanOperations();
Task CommitChanges();
About this code snippet:
- The property
will be replaced by the MongoDB session object in the implementation of the Unit of Work. - The method
is used to add operations to the transaction. - The method
clean all the operations (Before the execution of the transaction). - The method
execute all operations in the transaction.
Implementation of the Unit of Work in C# using MongoDB
public sealed class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
private IClientSessionHandle session { get; }
public IDisposable Session => this.session;
private List<Action> _operations { get; set; }
public UnitOfWork()
var mongoClient = new MongoClient("connectionString");
this.session = mongoClient.StartSession();
this._operations = new List<Action>();
public void AddOperation(Action operation)
public void CleanOperations()
public async Task CommitChanges()
this._operations.ForEach(o =>
await this.session.CommitTransactionAsync();
About this code snippet:
- The constructor starts a MongoDB session.
- The property
returns the MongoDB session object.
Repository interface in C#
public interface IProductRepository
void Add(IProduct product);
void Update(IProduct product);
void Remove(ProductId id);
About this code snippet:
- For this example, I am only including the methods that will go inside a transaction.
- These actions are not asynchronous because they are not executed instantly, instead, they just add operations to the transaction.
Implementation of the Repository in C# using MongoDB
public sealed class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
private readonly IMongoDatabase _database;
private readonly IMongoCollection<ProductMongoEntity> _productsCollection;
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public ProductRepository(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
this._unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
var mongoClient = new MongoClient("connectionString");
this._database = mongoClient.GetDatabase("databaseName");
this._productsCollection = this._database.GetCollection<ProductMongoEntity>("collectionName");
public void Add(IProduct product)
Action operation = () => this._productsCollection.InsertOne(this._unitOfWork.Session as IClientSessionHandle, product);
public void Update(IProduct product)
Action operation = () => this._productsCollection.ReplaceOne(this._unitOfWork.Session as IClientSessionHandle, x => x.Id == product.Id, product);
public void Remove(ProductId id)
Action operation = () => this._productsCollection.DeleteOne(this._unitOfWork.Session as IClientSessionHandle, x => x.Id == id.Id);
About this code snippet:
- The Unit of Work is injected into the repository because it is necessary to know the MongoDB session.
- Each method of the Repository creates an action with the data of the operation to perform and adds it to the list of operations of the Unit of Work.
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