
Before you look at the Unit of Work pattern example in C# using MongoDB, you can see my post about what is the ...

The class constructor is invoked when the keyword new is used to create a new class instance. Construct...

Before you look at the Unit of Work pattern example in C# using Entity Framework Core, you can see my post about what is the ...

Before you look at the Static Factory Method pattern example in C#, you can see my post about what is the ...

Before you look at the Aggregate Roots example in C#, you can see at my post on what Aggreg...

Before you look at the Repository pattern example in C# using Entity Framework Core, you can see my post about what is the ...

Before you look at the Entities example in C#, you can see at my post on what Entities are in Domai...

Before you look at the Value Objects example in C#, you can see at my post on what Value Obje...
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